by Ted Ryce
Ted Ryce
by Ted Ryce
by Ted Ryce
Ted Ryce
Ted Ryce
by Ted Ryce
Ted Ryce
Meet Jeff, a 44-year-old wealth advisor from Atlanta, who was working hard—but getting nowhere with his health and fitness. Like many high-performing professionals, he was excelling in his career but wasting hours every week trying to figure out the best diet and exercise plan.
He was grinding through CrossFit, punishing himself with long cardio sessions, and experimenting with keto and intermittent fasting—all while balancing a demanding career, family life, and a relationship. Despite his effort, the body fat wouldn’t budge, and his frustration was growing.
After finding our podcast, Jeff decided to join the Unstoppable After 40 Program, and everything changed. In just 4 months, he lost 30 lbs, his gut disappeared, and he started building the lean, muscular body he always wanted. After 7 months, he was down 41 lbs—and more importantly, he had regained his confidence, both at work and in his personal life.
Even better, Jeff learned how to enjoy the foods he loves while still making progress. Business dinners, vacations, social events—nothing was off-limits. He discovered a sustainable system that fit his lifestyle.
If you’re tired of working hard without results, Jeff’s story will show you how working smart can finally get you the body—and life—you want. Listen now!
If you want to watch Jeff’s testimonial and see his Before and After photos go to
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Podcast Transcription: The Ultimate Body Reset: How Jeff Overcame Workout Burnout & Diet Confusion to Drop 30 lbs in Just 3 Months
Ted Ryce: Jeff Crowell, thanks so much for joining me, man, and, uh, coming on and sharing your story.
I can't wait to dive into this cause you've had some incredible results before we do. Can you just, uh, talk briefly about who you are, what you do and, and, uh, results that you've got. Sure. Uh,
Jeff: so my name is Jeff Crowell I'm, uh, 44 years old. I'm a financial advisor and I've lost in just under three months, close to 30 pounds.
Ted Ryce: Awesome, Jeff. And, uh, let's talk a little bit about what you were doing before, because when we hopped on our initial call, you, you were doing all types of things. You're in CrossFit. Can you just talk about what you were doing nutritionally and exercise wise and the results that you were getting on your own?
Jeff: Yeah, I would say, um, so prior to working with Ted, I was from an exercise perspective doing a little bit of everything. I was a member of a CrossFit gym. So I was doing that CrossFit type exercise 2 to 3 times a week. Yeah, I was varying that with some weightlifting here and there at an L. A. fitness Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. And then some sporadic cardio here and there, whether it was a little high intensity interval training at certain points or just, you know, moderately distant running, you know, two, three miles here or there. Um, from a nutrition perspective, I was doing everything. I was trying intermittent fasting for any given points.
I was doing keto, uh, off and on. A little bit of everything, you know, I was probably through a culmination of all those things kind of holding on if you were well relative to what my goals were, I certainly was getting stronger, but from a physique perspective, I definitely wasn't losing weight in a consistent way the way that I wanted to, but again, or when I did, I wasn't sustaining it.
And, um, that was, that was kind of my experience prior to that. So I was doing a little bit of everything, a lot of research. I knew a lot about nutrition. I'd read a lot of books, a lot of blogs, um, kind of was up to date on what I felt like everything. But, you know, it's kind of just, you know, kind of a hodgepodge, if you will, of application.
Ted Ryce: I hear you. Uh, and when you joined the program, let's talk a little bit about that. What were the results? What happened? What was your experience? Nearly lost 30 pounds. What would you say to someone about, you know, uh, the results that you've gotten in a little bit more in detail?
Jeff: Well, I think the thing that was, when we talk about this, uh, my job quite a bit about, you know, I'm working hard.
Are you working hard or are you working smart? I was definitely working hard before. Um, I think through this program, what I got was working smart, uh, both on the nutrition and the exercise front. Honestly feel like I'm not working as hard as before on both fronts, you know, and, you know, I think getting kind of, I feel like what you did for me more than anything was organize my plan.
You gave me a plan. I was throwing a lot of stuff against the wall before and it was going, all right, here's your foundation. Here's your plan. Stick to this. And I had to kind of let go of everything. Start it. I was very strict at the beginning in terms of like what that plan was. It wasn't hard. It was just strict.
And then once you had that, it really kind of just fell into place for me, which was really great. I had all the different tools. I just didn't know how to put them all together. And so I found. You know, for me, I was easy. I mean, the first week I started seeing results and, you know, I'm not going to, it hasn't been a linear line for the results all the way through from the past three months, but honestly, it's been pretty close to that.
I mean, it's almost like we started and then the ball's been pushed downhill and I'm here where I am right now. And I really don't feel like I'm working.
Ted Ryce: I love it. Cause there's no need, right? Yeah, I need to work so hard, especially if you're not getting a return on investment. And so many people think it's like, Oh, well, it's a metabolism thing, or maybe it's my age or whatever.
And I was actually there personally. What would you say now? Like to someone who's Making those excuses or saying maybe what you said to yourself where you're working so hard But maybe you see a difference, but then you can't sustain it. What would you say to that person?
Jeff: Well, I I think for me You know, I would not yeah I think so i'm a firm believer in in coaching and part of it was getting someone that has done it that has Seen the results that knows what they're doing that I could just let go And put some trust in I I don't know that I ever would have gotten there in a sustained place On my own.
Um, even though I knew it all, you know, and I don't want to act like there are things that you didn't tell, haven't told me that I didn't realize, but I won't say there was anything that was, you haven't said anything to me that's like, Oh my, or I'm like, Oh my gosh, I've never heard that before, but you, I would not have organized it myself in the way that you got into really simplistic, a sustainable, practical way to, um, to get the results that I want.
Ted Ryce: Yeah. And it's such a good point because now we're not in a situation where nobody knows what to do. Everybody knows all these different protocols, nutrition approaches, diets, and nobody, it's like information overload. So what do you write on? What do you focus on? And what really moves the needle? And so many people aren't results oriented, you know, they're like, no, I'm doing this.
It's like, yeah, but you're not getting results. So it's not working. And it's like, no, it must be my. Hormones or maybe my metabolism, you know, my age, I'm getting to be that age. All my friends look the same way like I do. And really it's none of those things are true. And you've proved that, um, to yourself.
So let me ask you this, like for someone who is, uh, so like you said, you believe in coaching and, and obviously, so do I have coaches in a number of different areas in my life. Some people don't, haven't made that switch yet. And unfortunately those people are going to really struggle in whatever area they're in.
But for the people who really do understand the value of coaching like yourself, what would you say to a person who's on the fence? About like doing a coaching program for their body. And specifically with me, what, what do you think that person should know? Because I'm definitely not the coach for everybody.
I can get results with anybody, but they've got to be willing to do the work and got to be coachable. Uh, what would you say to a person who is thinking about doing this so that they can make the right decision about, you know, whether this coaching program is right for them or not? Yeah, I'd
Jeff: say two, a couple, a couple things.
Um, one is, and I think one of the things that kind of becomes the elephant in the room is cost. And if that is a barrier for someone, one of the things that I did was I looked at what I was spending in every other place in this journey and where I wasn't getting results, whether it was from supplements that weren't doing anything for me or different Yeah.
Yeah. Okay. You know, foods or, uh, exercise equipment or memberships or all of those types of things. And so I'll say first and foremost, if that's a barrier, I think that's something that you could look at to try to, um, you know, you're, again, you're spending a lot of money probably to begin with. And even if you aren't, you're like, you're probably going to be spending money health wise.
And so I would, I would suggest, you know, kind of look at what you're doing today and where you can kind of reorganize things to eliminate that barrier. The second thing is, I would say, That has been helpful for me is you're not like you're giving us the tools to fish. It's not go do this. And this is the one size fits all thing for everybody.
Um, I've presented a couple of situations for you throughout my journey, where I've said, what would you do here? And you kind of turned it back around and said, well, I don't know. What would you do based on this, this and this? So I think that element to this kind of fit, you know, again, everybody, you know, I think the relationship is the number one thing.
But everybody doesn't have a one size fits all thing and I think those are the things that you bring that I just feel good about not only just the time that we've spent in this focused amount together, but also how are you going to take these things and apply them on a go for it's one thing to just sign up for something and get a three month result that then goes away.
I really feel like you've given me tools that I can use. I can always use.
Ted Ryce: I love it. Yeah, that's the job, right? Get it done once, get it done. Right. And, uh, don't worry about it again. Right. One thing I would love to talk about, but before I let you go, Jeff is as people might think like, oh, so the people who come into the program or are interested in the program, they always come with these ideas like, oh, um, I've got to be super strict with my nutrition.
I can't eat. Okay. I can't go out to eat. I, I gotta be super careful with business meetings, you know, that happened during dinner because of the prime rib and the baked potato and all the other things that come with like maybe a steak dinner out with your financial buddies, you know, your business buddies.
What would you say? Because you've, you've had those situations come up for you. You went and enjoyed yourself. And, um, and then you got back on track and then you, in fact, that wasn't even off track. You were on track. It was just part of the track. What would you say to a person who really thinks they need to give up their favorite foods and give up their lifestyle?
Like, what would you say to that person who believes those things?
Jeff: I would say you don't need to do it. Now. I think you've given me tools and a foundation to, to maintain where I'm at and to give flexibility and eat the things that I want to. You know, now there are some, here's where I would put it, like, I used to eat pints of ice cream on a really regular basis.
So, look, I can't do that anymore. I can still eat ice cream, though, and I can find a way to, and in reality, I probably could find a way to eat a pint of ice cream here or there, so I'm going to be really honest about it. But, you know, it's putting all of it into context of, um, how do you make it fit? And, you know, there are building blocks to try to do those things that I just feel very comfortable with.
You asked me recently. You know, how comfortable do you feel in terms of like, if you slipped up or, and I don't even know if that's the right word, but like, let's say you had an indulgence and it could be a meal indulgence, a day indulgence, heck a week indulgence based on a vacation. And I said, one, I think those things will happen and I might enjoy those.
And two, I feel a hundred percent confident that I've got the tools to manage that. Um, and be cool with it. I should have those. Now again, should I eat a pint of ice cream every day? No. I think I have the tools if I did do that to understand what I was doing and where I was sacrificing, you know, the optimal level of nutrition relative to it, but I would know how it fits in and how it's going to affect me in a way that I didn't before.
So that's what I would say relative to that.
Ted Ryce: Man, that is such a great answer. Such a great answer. And hopefully that gives hope to people who think that that being lean, even at a high level of leanness, right, which we're working on getting you to, right? You've you've got like, it requires now, maybe if you wanted to get.
On stage in a bodybuilding competition or physique competition. That's something different. It's not what I do either Um, i'm all about that lifestyle I got my uh, oreo cookies and cream, you know ice cream cake that i've been slicing Uh, you know a few slices of every eating a few slices of every week But that's the type of thing that's possible and you can get great results better results Than you've ever gotten ever and you can do it in a way where like you said you could eat ice cream A little bit every night or something like that, but you've got to put in the work at, uh, initially to learn the foundation.
You've got to do some things, but that's what's possible if you're willing to, uh, if you're willing to do the work, right? Absolutely. What would you say? Any, any followups to that, Jeff? No.
Jeff: Well, the only other thing I would say is, um, and this might, but I feel great. And one of the other thing and so that's awesome.
Um, I'm more confident. I would have not expected that I would be where I, even though I was confident in terms of the journey and the plan, if you would, if you rewound back to January and said, Hey, you're going to be where you are in March. I'd be like, wow, that's, that's really, that's going to, that's going to be able to do that.
And as great as I feel, one of the things I feel like that you're that I appreciate about you is you're like. It's not like I'm not sitting here, though. I don't feel like a different person. Like, it's not, um, you know, this isn't the end all be all. And so one of the things that what I mean by that is, you know, I appreciate your kind of view about where are you mentally, you know, what are the other things that you're doing to try to order your life around your stresses, you know, where you're spending time because as Just being quote unquote in shape or feeling good about yourself physically isn't, it isn't going to solve everybody's purpose or, uh, feeling or those types of things.
So I don't want the loose side of the fact that I do want, I do need to be here and I do feel like that feels great. I also am not like, oh, this is just the solution to every single problem I've ever had, or I feel so fulfilled or whatever it may be. So what I, what I really kind of like about your approach is like.
So we've got that done. And now, you know, we've started even talking about, you know, what's next or how does the journey continue? How do you not just be on maintaining this, but how do you fully optimize or feel good about, you know, where you go now, you know, mentally, do you want to optimize nutrition now?
Do you want to take it to another level? Do you not, do you want to just, I just appreciate your kind of holistic view of.
Ted Ryce: Approach to all of us. Awesome. Thanks so much for sharing that. I sometimes forget to mention those things, but yeah, we focus on a lot more because like you said, there's very fit people who are not happy in their life.
I used to be one of them in my late twenties. Right. And so if we don't work on those areas, even though you, you were already doing well, you got a beautiful family, you know, four kids, beautiful wife, beautiful situation, but there's always, whether you're trying to work on something, that's where you're kind of stuck or whether like you, where you're trying to take things to the next level, there's always something to work on.
There's no one so enlightened that we don't need to work on themselves is a quote that I love. And, um, And like you said, being lean, it's great. You still, it's not the answer to all the problems. You still got to put in the work. There's still other things that you want to accomplish other goals. So thanks so much for bringing that up.
It's so important to hear that.
Jeff: Absolutely. Only other thing I would say is one of the biggest. Foundational successes I got was from one of the group coaching calls from it was a random thing that someone said one time and it had to do with a specific meal. It just was kind of a random thing. And I latched on to that.
And so it was just that she probably doesn't even know that she did it. And I'm like, wow, she gave me something that is like literally a foundation of something I do every day. And so you just never know where some of the gems are going to come from.
Ted Ryce: Oh, that's so cool. Yeah. The group coaching calls can really people help each other.
And that's so nice to hear, right? Uh, cause it's not all about me. It's that group. We've got some amazing people in there. Well, Jeff, um, thanks so much, man. Thank you so much for your time. Congratulations on the transformation that you made, not just in your body, but in your whole approach so that you'll be able to.
You know, stay with this for the rest of your life. Just to honor privilege and, uh, to have you in the group. And thanks so much for doing this. Absolutely. I appreciate it.
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