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56: Peter Shallard: Part 2: Is Procrastination Stopping Your Success

In this episode you'll learn: Why procrastination isn't your fault (although you still need to do something about it),How to STOP procrastinating,The secret of forming super productivity habits and MUCH more. Listen now.

55: Peter Shallard: Part 1: Is Procrastination Stopping Your Success

In this episode you'll learn: The secret of forming super productivity habits, What's the ONE thing you can do today to achieve success,How to avoid "burn out" and MUCH more. Listen now.

Ask Ted 16: Do Women Have a Harder Time Dating Than Men?

54: Jordan Gray: Part 2: 7 Proven Ways to Improve Your Relationship

In this episode, you'll learn: The #1 way to improve your relationship right now,How to become more confident ,3 Ways guys tend to go wrong when building relationships and MUCH more. Listen now.