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54: Jordan Gray: Part 2: 7 Proven Ways to Improve Your Relationship

In this episode, you'll learn: The #1 way to improve your relationship right now,How to become more confident ,3 Ways guys tend to go wrong when building relationships and MUCH more. Listen now.

Ask Ted 14: Question from a Woman: He Wants an Open Relationship…

Hi Ted. Although I’m a woman, I’ve listened to a few episodes of you podcast and I know you give people advice and talk about relationships and stuff sometimes. I have a pretty personal question that I’d like to ask you about a relationship I’m in. I’ve been seeing my new boyfriend for about a year now and we’ve even moved in together. Everything was pretty normal for the first few months. Recently he’s been bringing up how he wants to bring in other people into our sex life.I’m curious about it but I’m not sure if I want to do it or not. He keeps pressuring me and saying that a lot of people are doing it and there’s something wrong with me if I don’t want to try. Aren’t two people who love each not supposed to share each other? How many other people are into this type of thing?Help?