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49: Sincere Hogan: Part 1: How To Stay Hungry For Your Goals: But Enjoy The Journey!

In this episode you will learn: Why you need to stay hungry for success and life,How you can balance fitness and living life (i.e. like having an occasional cigar or a glass of scotch) and Why taking a vacation or even a STAYcation is important for productivity –especially if you’re an entrepreneur and MUCH more. Listen now.

24: Frank Nash: Part 1: How to Live Life on your Own Terms

In this episode, you will learn: How Frank Nash got into fitness and where he came from, How he developed his great business and lifestyle?, What is surge theory? What are the things to be known about surge theory? and MUCH more. Listen now.

14: Kimanzi Constable: How to Lose Weight and Change Your Life

In this episode, you will learn: • How to live your dream life • Why it's not diet and exercise - it's a lifestyle • Why your mindset is key to success - from getting in shape to building the life you want • Why taking it one day at a time is the best approach to getting in shape • Why we all have "failures" and what to do about it • How he incorporates strength training, Tae Kwon Do and aerobic exercise to get results • How he got great results with portion control and basic nutrition principles • Why getting in shape was part of a bigger picture that made him more successful in general

10: Nick Tumminello: Part 2: Strength training for Fat Loss

In this episode, you will learn: How to use strength training for fat loss, The 3 Cs of strength training for fat loss, The benefits of high-intensity interval training and MUCH more.