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Ask Ted 20: Overcoming Doubt: 3 Tips To Boost Your Confidence

Ted, I've been on a quest and found not only your podcast but many other resources that have and are teaching me what a real man is. As exciting as this journey is, it has become the hardest challenge to master. I am going through a period of doubting my capabilities of being the man I believe I should be. It's scary and at times, put me in a state of apathy. Can you understand what this is? Can you empathize with me? Can you speak about this part of the part? Thank you, I. H. It is what it is.

Ask Ted 18: How To Be Less Shy And More Confident?

A Listener's question: "Hi Ted, I was listening to you interview with Bill Mcgowan and heard you say that you used to consider yourself a quiet shy guy. How were you able to break that pattern?..."