Nowadays there are so many great ways to learn and improve your skills, from reading blogs, listening to podcasts, to watching YouTube (just to name few) that you often forget the importance of being in a live face-to-face setting. Today, I’m going to do something a little different, I’m going to talk about why you should be going to events and conferences. There is power in being connected to other like-minded people and professionals. You may be missing out on one of the best opportunities to take your game to the next level. Listen for more!
From now until New Year’s Day, your schedule will likely be filled with family commitments, traveling and festive outings with all sorts of tempting foods (my personal favorite is my dad’s stuffing). Every year I provide tips on how to stay in shape during the holidays but this year I really wanted to do something different and give you a holistic approach to staying fit for this season. In this episode, I will explain why people gain weight during the holidays and I will teach you effective ways to stay in shape while still enjoying the holiday season. Listen for more!
Today, I will be teaching you some of the best workout secrets I learned after seventeen years in this fitness industry and training celebrities, CEO’s of multi-million dollar companies and real people like you. There is now an overwhelming amount of information, and it has become increasingly difficult to know what works, what does not work, and what to do instead.
Based on the presentation I gave recently at The 21 Convention, If you want to transform your body and your life, apply these six fitness secrets to getting bigger, leaner and stronger. Listen Now!
Learn a new philosophy and recipe for human flourishing—both in your own personal life and for positive global transformation. Our personal lives are composed of models and institutions—some of which may be outdated and ready to be reinvented. How many things in your life do you criticize (complain about), and what if you could learn to “criticize by creating”? That is, pouring your energy into creating positive solutions that will maximize your personal potential and contribute to a better world. Join me with the co-founder of the Voice & Exit conference and festival, Seth Blaustein, to learn how to “exit” the things in your life that are holding you back. Listen Now!