Having habits is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, many of our good habits are meant to make our lives easier and safer. Unfortunately, we also develop bad habits, unhealthy ones that can turn into addictions and self-sabotage. Why is this happening and how do we break a bad habit for good? Listen to this new Legendary Life podcast episode to find out!
Gaining back the weight you managed to lose after going on different strict diets that were not sustainable can be very frustrating, especially when this happens over and over again. But how can we get out of this cycle? Tune in for this new Ted Talk episode to find out what you can do to stop losing and gaining the same stubborn pounds and get back on track—for good.
There’s a lot of nutrition nonsense out there. The problem? With all these lies and bad ideas floating around, too many people are getting duped into ridiculous diets, absurd nutrition rules, and insane workouts that will ultimately leave them tired, frustrated, and hungry—but no leaner.
Here are the biggest 7 fat loss lies and the nutritional realities behind them. Listen Now!
Do you often find yourself delaying your happiness for a future moment? Do you play the game of “I’ll be happy when ….(fill in the blanks)?” and forget to enjoy the present moment? In this new episode, Ted Ryce is going to share the three effective steps you should take to learn how to enjoy your life right now and much more. Listen now!