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Latest Episodes & Articles

540: Unlock Your Potential: How to Motivate Yourself Without The Negative Self-Talk

Do you use negative talk or self-shaming to call you out every time you skip the gym or eat a delicious dessert? What about the results of that approach? Are you making any progress in your fat-loss journey? In today's episode, Ted reveals how to motivate yourself without negative talk or self-shaming. He explains why motivation fueled by speaking negatively to yourself can be damaging rather than helpful and what to do instead to unlock your true potential. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 174: How Your Environment Can Make Or Break Your Success

“Just do it”….. this Nike mantra has been a motivational quote for a lot of us. The truth is that getting motivated every day can be very tricky and elusive. You might not realize it, but your environment literally shapes your life. Listen to this Real Talk Friday episode, where Ted explains how your environment impacts your life and reveals a step-by-step guide on creating an environment where you can thrive and achieve your goals this year! Listen now!

539: Avoid These 7 Nutrition Myths If You Want To Lose Weight with Danny Lennon

Low carb, keto, intermittent fasting, carnivore diet, detoxes…what is the best diet for weight loss? In this episode, world-class performance nutritionist and evidence-based educator Danny Lennon separates fact from fiction and reveals the 7 nutrition myths you should stop believing if you want to lose weight. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 173: Why Are Weights Better For Fat Loss Than Cardio? – Ask Ted

Have you ever wondered why some people don't even get near the elliptical trainer, the treadmill, or the rowing machine, and still, you can't see an ounce of body fat in them? In this Ask Ted, Ted answers, "Why are weights better for fat loss than cardio?" Tune in and decide whether or not to keep focusing on your cardio to lose fat!

538: How To Turn Followers Into Clients: The Key Secret To Monetizing Your Twitter Audience with JK Molina

You don't need 100K Twitter followers or thousands of retweets and likes to monetize your audience. In today's episode, Ted interviews the founder and audience monetizing expert JK Molina to talk about how to turn tweets into cash, avoid unproductive digital dopamine traps, and sharpen your attention. Listen now!

Ted Talk 172: Why Uncertainty Doesn’t Have To Suck: Embracing the Chaos To Crush Your Goals

You've heard the news... A few weeks ago, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) bit the dust -- making it the biggest US bank failure since the 2008 financial crisis. Obviously, this has got investors and entrepreneurs around the country in a complete panic. If you are one of them, listen to this episode to find out the 5 ways to boost your performance and become more resilient to stress so that you can embrace the chaos to crush your goals. Listen now!

537: Stress 101: What Is Stress And How It Affects Our Body and Mind with Ted Ryce

We all feel stressed from time to time. But what is stress and why do we feel it? How can we manage stress to live a happier life? In this episode, Ted Ryce will explain what is stress and how it affects our body and health. He will also reveal how we can train our brain and body to experience less stress and live healthier and happier life. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 171: The Secret To Staying Healthy As A Busy Entrepreneur

Do you think staying healthy is more complex than growing a business? How frustrating is it to know you can run a thriving business but need help getting your weight right? In today's Ted Talk, Ted explains why high-performing professionals and accomplished business people struggle with losing weight or staying healthy. Listen Now!

536: Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money with Ken Honda

Do you feel you'd be happier if you had a bigger bank account? Do you think more money means more joy? If you want to learn how to create a healthier relationship with money, listen to Ted's interview with the best-selling author, money, happiness, and self-development expert, Ken Honda. Listen Now!

Muscle Building Training Series Part 4: Recovery Methods For Optimal Strength and Muscle Building with Ted Ryce

If you’re over 40, you probably have more “stuff” going on in your life than you did at 21, making it difficult to focus on eating right and training regularly. But, with the right type of training, you can still build muscle and get strong well into your forties, fifties, and beyond. In the first part of this training series, Ted talked about the importance of focusing on building lean muscle, in part 2 he shared 6 smart ways to build muscle faster and in part 3 he talked about the importance of protein for building muscle. In part 4 he will share the best recovery methods for optimal strength and muscle building. Listen now!