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Legendary Life Blog

Miami Beach Personal Trainer – Are You Chasing Results Or Fatigue?

“Your workout program is only as good as your ability to recover from it. This is true whether you are working out for fat loss, muscle […]

Miami Beach Personal Trainer – Discover Why Strength Is Important To Your Workout Results

As a personal trainer in Miami Beach, I see a lot of people workout in the different gyms I go to. One of the newest trends […]

My Top 5 Ways to Stay Motivated For Exercise

    Lately I’ve been super motivated to workout and I’ve been posting my results to Facebook. This prompted a couple of people asked me what […]

Lose Weight By Eating Dessert For Breakfast?

Mmmm…cake. Yes, it’s true. Scientists conducted a study where they gave two different diet programs to a group of 144 obese people. Both diets  were low-carbohydrate […]
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