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Unstoppable After 40: Does stem cells work for injuries, Intermittent Fasting vs. Calorie Counting for Weight Loss & My Secret Exercise for Grip and Strength

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Unstoppable After 40: Does stem cells work for injuries, Intermittent Fasting vs. Calorie Counting for Weight Loss & My Secret Exercise for Grip and Strength

Read time: 5 minutes

Welcome to Unstoppable After 40, my weekly newsletter where I reveal cutting-edge tips to get fit in your 40s & 50s while growing your business or career. 

What’s in store for today:

  • Does stem cells work for injuries? 
  • Intermittent Fasting vs. Calorie Counting for Weight Loss 
  • My #1 exercise for grip, trap size, and functional strength 

Today’s issue is brought to you by Unstoppable After 40 Coaching Program. We help entrepreneurs, executives, and business owners to get fit in their 40s & 50s while growing their businesses and enjoying their lifestyles. (In less than 2 hours per week) .



I started lifting weights because I thought it would help me meet women. 

But after my brother was kidnapped and murdered in 1995, my reasons for exercising shifted. 

Many people have asked me how I bounced back from such a terrible tragedy.  

The story I tell is that when I was feeling my lowest, I forced myself to go to the gym and do some lifting. 

And I felt better. 

Nothing else in my life had changed. 

My brother was still gone and he wasn’t coming back.  

But I still felt better. 

“That’s interesting,” I thought. 

While that revelation may seem pretty “duh” in 2024, this was over 20 years ago. And my belief at the time was: “My feelings depend on external events and I have no control over them.” 

However, I was able to shift my mood with just one workout.  

Fast forward to today… 

My approach to exercise is a lot more refined.  

We now know that mood shift I experienced while exercising is due to chemicals like BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) and increased blood flow. So I use exercise to get out of a bad mood or to recover from jet lag faster or to destress after working too many hours. 

When I was younger, i never considered what my life was going to be like when I was 60 or 70.  

Today, I know that if I want to live a great life at 70, my workouts in my 40s are investments – and they’re just as important as investing for retirement.  

I’ve met many folks who saved a lot of money to enjoy life when they retired. But they didn’t invest in their health. So traveling the world or even running after their grandchildren isn’t an option for them. 

It may be cliche to say that “Health is wealth.” 

But it’s also 100% true. 

And if you lose your health, you can pass a point where you’ll never get it back. 

Start now. 

Do what you can. 

Invest the time and money you need. 

Because having good health as we age is priceless. 



Here is your Unstoppable After 40 Friday Digest:


Does stem cell work for injuries?

Seven months ago, I got 750 million stem cells injected into my injured joints in Dream Body Clinic. 

While I didn’t have much to share in my 1-month and 3-month follow ups, I have big news now. 

I can’t say I’m 100% healed. But my joint aches and pains are significantly less. And I’m able to get away with things that I haven’t been able to do for a while. 

For example, I wasn’t using loaded leg exercises for my legs like squats and lunges.  


Because it would be too easy to overdo it. 

Now? I’m hitting legs a couple of times per week.  

That’s what I go over in my new podcast episode.  

Have a listen for the entire update, what I wish I knew before I got stem cells, and my thoughts for folks considering them for joint issues. 

Listen the episode here! 

(insert video thumbnail with a play button and hyperlink to the video) 


Intermittent Fasting vs. Calorie Counting: Which Is More Effective for Weight Loss? 

Unless you have social media blocked on your phone, you’ve probably heard of “autophagy” being mentioned when influencers discuss the benefits of fasting. 

Autophagy is the body’s way of cleaning out and recycling damaged cells.  

Folks in the fasting community are always talking about how fasting triggers autophagy and it’s better/different than caloric restriction. 

So this study tested this very thing.   

The researchers investigated if alternate day fasting (calorie-free fluids only) stimulated more autophagy, fat loss or health improvements than the same weekly 25% energy deficit from continuous daily energy restriction.  

The answer was no.  

In their words: “Intermittent fasting exerted no greater effect than continuous daily energy restriction on anthropometric, metabolic, and behavioral outcomes.”  

This also included autophagy and inflammation gene expression. 

It’s not that fasting is better than caloric restriction. 

Fasting is a method of caloric restriction. 


My favorite exercise to build grip, trap size, and functional strength

Looking to build grip, trap size, and functional strength all in one simple move? 

Enter Farmer’s Walks. 

They’re easy to do. Just grab a pair of dumbbells and walk. But I suggest you watch the video as I go over important details. 

Put them at the end of a workout. 

Sets? 2-4 

Instead of reps, you’ll do timed walks:

Strength: 30-60 second walk. 

Endurance: 60-120 second walk. 

Give it a try! 

Watch the full video on  Twitter 


Client Highlight: Kevin C.

Kevin was burning hours in the gym, missing precious moments with his newborn.  

Then, he discovered my podcast and decided to join my coaching program.  

In four months, Kevin:  

  • Dropped almost 30lbs of fat  
  • Built a lean muscular body that he was proud of  
  • Felt more confident as a man  
  • Improved his energy levels  
  • Became a top-performer at work  
  • Started spending more quality time with his son   

Here’s what he had to say about it:  

“I thought I knew a thing or two about exercise, but your coaching program has taught me that is all about smart training, not hard training. I learned that less is more.”  

If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to be confident in your body and increase energy in a way that fits your busy life, click here to schedule your fitness roadmap session. 


Quote of the Week:

Happiness isn’t found; it’s created.   

Camilla Eyring KImball


You build a joyful life through the choices you make, the mindset you adopt, and the actions you take every day.  

What actions are you taking today to create your own happiness and design a life you love? 


Until next week,

Ted Ryce

Celebrity Trainer, Health & Wellness Coach & Longevity Expert


When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1) Watch my Unstoppable After 40 Masterclass, where I teach you the simple 5-step process our successful clients are using to get fit in their 40s & 50s while growing their business & enjoying their lifestyle

>Click Here To Watch Now!

2) If you have questions about my coaching program, click on the button below to check my FAQ page.

> Coaching Program FAQ Page

3) Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get fit in your 40s & 50s without feeling achy or spending hours at the gym?

> Schedule Your Free Strategy Call Now! 



P.S. Thank you for being a subscriber.

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Ted Ryce is a high-performance coach, celebrity trainer, and a longevity evangelist. A leading fitness professional for over 24 years in the Miami Beach area, who has worked with celebrities like Sir Richard Branson, Rick Martin, Robert Downey, Jr., and hundreads of CEOs of multimillion-dollar companies. In addition to his fitness career, Ryce is the host of the top-rated podcast called Legendary Life, which helps men and women reclaim their health, and create the body and life they deserve.

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