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Ted Talk 49: Want To Eat Better? Ignore Internet Marketer’s Nutrition Advice

Many of us have done it — you see a link that says someone has discovered the "5 Things You Should Never Eat" or the "One Thing That Will Make You Healthier"—and you're taking a peek. A new study revealed that social media influencers are dishing out false nutrition and weight loss advice 90% of the time. In this episode, Ted explains the dangers of bad nutrition advice and how to find credible sources online and finally create the body you've always wanted. Listen Now!

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Ted Talk 48: Stop Resisting What Is Taking Place In Your Life & Embrace Everything As It Is

Knowing that you're not in control, isn't a very good feeling. You get angry, you get frustrated, and disappointed. In this episode, host Ted Ryce talks about his personal journey and explains how to flow with life and take what it gives you, without letting the anger and frustration take over. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 46: Get Off Your Butt: How To Regain Momentum & Motivation

Even the most motivated people run out of steam in times of uncertainty. Maybe you’re exhausted or feel as though your creativity has been depleted, but you can’t get your act together for whatever reason. In this Ted Talk, Ted will share some actionable strategies for recharging your motivation and get you going. Listen Now!