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Shooting in Santa Barbara: In support of those affected by this tragedy

As someone who's personally lost a family member to an act of violence, I have strong feelings about what happened and the reasons Elliot used to justify his actions. Elliot was influenced by the Men's Rights Movement and called himself an "alpha male." Check out this video and see my message.

Interview With Ted Ryce – Jimmy Ryce’s Big Brother

I spoke to Gossip Extra’s Jose Lambiet about my brother Jimmy Ryce, my family and why I haven’t been more active with the Jimmy Ryce Foundation. […]

What Does It Mean To Be Alpha?

ALPHA is a word that brings up mixed feelings – many of them negative – especially in the current state of wussification that exists today in […]

5 Things Self-help Gurus Should Be Telling You

The self-help industry is big business. And big business means big money. So it’s no wonder that so many people try to take advantage of people […]