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333: Our Christmas Episode with Ted Ryce & Gisele Oliveira

In this special episode, my wife Gisele and I talk about our experience in Asia for the last 9 months. We share how our experience completely changed us as individuals and our mission in life. Also, we share our special moments with our families in the U.S. and our goals for 2019. Listen to this episode to catch up with our travels, and also find out how you can change your values about family, material things, and yourself as a priority in your life.

328: How 9 Months In Asia Changed My Life with Ted Ryce

If you’re listening to the podcast for a while you know that Gisele and I are traveling through South East Asia for a while. I’m a big believer that "Travel is the only thing that you buy that makes you richer.” Listen to this episode to discover how taking a big risk and following my dream lead to an incredible journey and the biggest lessons that I've learned in the past 9 months that you can benefit from.

161: Ted Ryce: 5 Leadership Lessons From Public Speaking

In this episode, I share 5 leadership lessons I learned from the experience. I also share the story of what was going wrong when I was preparing to give my speech and how I was able to "set a new standard" for the future speakers at their events.

160: Gary Collins: Former FDA Special Agent Exposes Big Pharma And Medical Corruption

In this week’s episode, Gary pulls back the curtain on what the FDA knows that the public doesn’t—information that may be keeping you from having a better health.