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425: Fix Your Diet: Understanding Macronutrients, Calories, Training, Supplements and More (Through an Evidence-Based Approach) with Alan Aragon

There are so many diets out there, but which ones actually work? In this episode, renowned nutrition expert Alan Aragon will share what the science says about the most popular diets while explaining the long-term effects on your body and health. Plus, he will crack the latest fish oil, coconut oil, and bitter controversy. Listen to this episode and learn how to fix your diet, so you don’t get confused by nutrition advice again.

7 Natural Cold & Flu Remedies: Science-Based Natural Supplements That Will Kill Your Cold And Cure The Flu

Do you want to use natural cold & flu remedies but you’re not sure if they actually work? Read this article to learn 7 effective natural remedies that can relieve your symptoms in only 3 days.

377: Why Everything You Think About Aging May Be Wrong with Dr. Charles Brenner

The second half of your life can bring some of your most rewarding decades. But when it comes to healthy aging and your diet, there are plenty of mixed up “facts” that need to be unraveled. In this episode, our special guest Dr. Charles Brenner separates nutrition fact from fiction and explain the science of aging better. Listen now!

SUPPLEMENT GUIDE SERIES || The Ultimate Supplement Guide For Sleep

Getting a good amount of sleep is incredibly important for your health. You will NEVER look, feel, or perform your best unless you get the proper quantity or quality of sleep. And the harder you push yourself, the more sleep you’ll need to avoid overtraining or burnout. In this episode, leading fitness trainer and health coach Ted explains why you should not trust the supplement industry, the 8 sleep supplements that actually work and the 3 that are a complete waste of your money. Listen Now!