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202: From Overweight Kid to Fitness Champion with Lori Harder

In this week's episode, our guest has an amazing story of transformation. She grew up as an overweight kid and turned into a fitness champion. Meet Lori Harder. She is an Empowerment Coach, Fitness Expert, and several times Magazine Cover Model. In her interview, she shares how her traumatic teen years started her on a quest for deeper meaning, optimal health and unbridled happiness in her life. Listen Now!

200: How To Burn Fat With The Wild Diet with Abel James

Have you heard of The Wild Diet? Are you interested in exercising less, eating more, and having a better body as a result of it? Well, today we’re welcoming the Fat-Burning Man, Abel James, to the show. In this episode, Abel will talk about why carbs aren't the enemy, how to design the perfect plate for lasting fat loss, the difference between the Wild Diet and Paleo Diet and much more. Listen Now!

193: Ryan Munsey: Hidden Secrets of The Supplement Industry

Maybe your doctor recommended you start taking a supplement. Maybe you stumbled across an article somewhere that suggested a certain supplement would make you stronger. Or maybe you heard that everyone over a certain age should be taking a daily multivitamin. There are any number of reasons to take supplements. And in today’s world, taking the appropriate supplement can be a critical part of a healthy life. But there is a big dirty secret in the supplement industry, and that's what you're about to discover in this episode. Plus, a special gift for you at the end. Listen Now!

192: UFC Fighter Charlie “The Spaniard” Brenneman: Life Lessons From A Professional Cage Fighter

Brief Intro: In 2007, I left the comfort of my hometown and full-time job as a Spanish teacher to pursue a career in mixed martial arts. […]