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Muscle Building Training Series Part 4: Recovery Methods For Optimal Strength and Muscle Building with Ted Ryce

If you’re over 40, you probably have more “stuff” going on in your life than you did at 21, making it difficult to focus on eating right and training regularly. But, with the right type of training, you can still build muscle and get strong well into your forties, fifties, and beyond. In the first part of this training series, Ted talked about the importance of focusing on building lean muscle, in part 2 he shared 6 smart ways to build muscle faster and in part 3 he talked about the importance of protein for building muscle. In part 4 he will share the best recovery methods for optimal strength and muscle building. Listen now!

Sleep Masterclass Part 2: How Sleep is Affecting Your Weight Loss, Productivity, Performance at Work & Relationships with Ted Ryce

Being short on sleep can really affect your weight loss, productivity, performance at work, and relationships. If you want to understand the science of sleep and reap the performance and health benefits that come with getting the right quantity and quality of sleep, listen to the second part of this sleep masterclass! Listen now!

Sleep Masterclass Part 1: How Sleep is Affecting Your Weight Loss, Productivity, Performance at Work & Relationships with Ted Ryce

Maybe getting plenty of sleep each night has never been high on your priority list of healthy living strategies in your 20s. But when you’re over 40 or even on your late 30s, you start to notice the negative effects of sleep deprivation. The bad news is that being short on sleep can really affect your weight loss, productivity, performance at work, and relationships. So, if you want to understand the science of sleep, listen to this special Sleep Masterclass now!

Ted Talk 150: How Sleep Deprivation & Stress Is Sabotaging Your Fat Loss, Workout Efforts & Business Success

If you have been consistent with your workout routine and nutrition choices but still can't lose those extra pounds or perform better at work, it's time to check your stress levels and sleep quality. In this episode, Ted reveals how stress and sleep deprivation can get in the way and sabotage your success. Plus, powerful tips on handling stress and improving your sleep that you can apply today. Listen Now!