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43: Are You Willing to Pay the Price To Be Lean?

If you have ever tried to lose weight, you will know the ups and downs of weight loss very well, and for some of us, it’s an emotional roller-coaster ride. Over the years, Ted Ryce was able to develop some strategies, secrets, and coping mechanisms to smooth out the bumps. In this Ted Talk episode, Ted shares the behind-the-scenes with his clients and the price of getting lean. Listen now!

Ted Talk 42: If I Know What I Need to Do, Why Can’t I Just Do It …

Deep down, we all know what it is that we need to do. We know what will make us happier, what will make us healthier, what will help us grow. So, why don't we do it? In this Ted Talk episode, Ted reveals how you can figure out which strategy to use depending on why you are procrastinating in the first place. Listen now!

Ted Talk 41: How To Take Accept & Overcome Challenges

Life is full of challenges. Some people seem to meet every challenge with confidence, while others struggle to overcome them. In this Ted Talk, Ted reveals how to learn how to turn your challenges into opportunities for growth. Listen now!

Ted Talk 40: COVID-19 Times: I Went From a Breakdown to a Breakthrough

Daily life in today’s world can be crazy. The good news is that more often than we think your greatest gift is revealed after you fell apart. In this Ted Talk episode Ted shares how he went from a breakdown to a breakthrough. Listen to learn how you can identify what lesson, gift, or wisdom was made available to you as a result of your experience during the Covid-19 times.