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Ted Tak 148: How to Build Muscle After 50? – Ask Ted

Here’s what we want men over fifty to know: A lot of fitness plans out there can put your body at risk. Instead of getting results, you get exhausted. In this Ask Ted episode, Ted reveals muscle-building techniques you need for your age without risking injury. Listen to this episode to learn how to build your best body ever in your 50s and beyond.

517: Unstoppable Fit: The Brain-Body Blueprint for Traveling Executives, Entrepreneurs & High Performers with Angela Shurina

Are you a high achiever who travels a lot and feel your fitness and health progress vanishing every time you hit the airport? Do you struggle with fitting your workout and diet habits into your insanely busy routine? In this episode, the renowned brain performance and productivity coach Angela Shurina breaks down the secrets of staying fit and focused in chaotic and changing environments. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 147: The Secret to A Healthier Life That No One is Talking About

Feeling Alive is a lot harder than it should be. We keep ourselves busy to exhaustion, but we're also languishing. We feel a little bit dead inside. In this Ted Talk, Ted reveals the secret to a healthier life that no one is talking about. This secret will help you become a better leader in your industry, a better parent, and a better partner. Listen Now!

516: How to Unlock Financial Freedom & Live Your Dream Lifestyle Today, with Justin Donald, The Lifestyle Investor

If you are doing great with your business, and despite making tons of money out of it, the wealthy lifestyle you desire never gets any closer, you can't miss today's episode. Ted interviews the WSJ #1 bestseller and successful investor Justin Donald to break down the secrets of financial freedom. Listen Now!