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Ted Talk 160: The #1 Key To Weight Loss Success (Hint: It’s Not Exercise Or Nutrition)

The #1 key to weight loss isn't just exercising, tracking your macros, or managing your food cravings. It's about your mindset. In this episode, Ted shares the number one key to achieving long-lasting weight loss success without following restrictive diets, time-consuming workouts, or any "quick fixes " that do not work long-term. Listen now!

527: Optimal Performance: How To Take Your Mental And Physical Performance To The Next Level with Sean McCormick

Are your family life and health at the same level as your finances and career progression? In today's episode, Performance Optimization expert Sean McCormick reveals how high performers can match their lifestyle and personal achievements with their business success. Listen now!

Ted Talk 159: 5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make with Fat Loss (and how to fix them!)

Many high performers and successful entrepreneurs are trapped in a loop of losing and regaining 20lbs every year. Sounds familiar? In today's Ted Talk episode, Ted reveals the most common mistakes every high performer makes with fat loss and how to avoid them. Listen now!

Success Story: After Following All Restrictive Diets Out There and Gaining Back Every Pound She Lost, Lisa Finally Found the Secret to Sustainable Body Transformation

The diet culture out there is about rapid fat loss only, about cheating the system so you can eat as much as you can, not about learning to make healthy choices. That is why every lost pound comes back. In today's episode, we chat with Lisa, a 44 years old senior-level executive and single mother of four children who tried almost every fat loss fad, joined my group coaching program, and lost over 20 pounds. Most importantly, she doubled her confidence, regained joy, and fixed her relationship with food. Listen now!