Essential SSL

131: Ryan Michler: Masculinity, Money & War

In this episode, you'll learn: Leadership lessons from war, 4 Differences between boys and real men, 3 Ways to put money to work for you and MUCH more. Listen Now!

130: Matt Gallant: Waking Up Your Warrior Spirit

In this episode, you'll learn: How our past experiences shape our behavior and personality, How martial arts can wake up your warrior spirit, 3 Ways to get over fear and create the life you want and MUCH more. Listen Now!

129: Mike Cernovich: How to Control Your Thoughts and Emotions to Live Life on Your Terms

In this episode, you'll learn: What does it mean to be a man, The 3 keys to overcome negative thinking, Why it's never too late to change your life and MUCH more. Listen now.

Paris Attacks: How to Stand Up With Strength in the Face of Tragedy

Read this blog post and find out some lessons I DO believe I can share with you about this tragedy and how you can be the change.