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254: How To Achieve Peak Mental Performance with Dr. Chris Friesen

Are you struggling to achieve success? In today’s interview our guest, performance psychologist, Dr. Chris Friesen will be sharing the evidence-based side of personal development and the mindset behind high performance. We’ll also discuss how to conquer anxiety and how to be mentally prepared to achieve your goals. Listen now for more!

253: How To Stay Lean, Strong And Pain-Free After 40 with Dr. John Rusin

Dr. John Rusin
Today Dr. John Rusin, “The Strength Doc”, joins us on the Legendary Life Podcast! John is bridging the gap between high-performance strength & conditioning and rehabilitation. He will share his top strategies to exercise smart and bulletproof your body against injuries, aches, and pains. Listen to this episode to learn how to stay in badass shape even after an injury

252: 3 Simple Ways To Remove Distractions And Boost Productivity with Jeff Sanders

Productivity Image
How much time do we waste reading about ways to become more productive? Do you really need to read another article about the top 10 habits of a billionaire? Productivity requires deliberate action and today’s interview with Jeff Sanders will tell you how to do just that — take action while staying motivated. Jeff will also be telling us about his new productivity academy, The Rockin' Productivity Academy and how you can be a part of it. Listen now!

251: How Ancestral Health Can Help You Improve Your Modern Life with Keith Norris

Roughly one in three American adults is obese. Two out of every three adults are overweight. Why are we so fat? What is it about our modern lifestyle that is causing this epidemic? In this special episode, our guest, Keith Norris, will explain the root cause of our obesity epidemic and how ancestral health can help you overcome this and other diseases. He also shares how to use an “evolutionary lens” on other areas of your life to guide you towards living a life of passion and purpose. Listen to this episode and get ready to go Paleo and eat like a caveman.