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260: Why You Can’t Trust What The Media’s Telling You About Your Diet With Kamal Patel

In this episode, Kamal talks about some of the cutting edge research about nutrition, and some of their “hot topics” like ketogenic diet, personalized nutrition, consumption of red meat, protein intake and much more. He also explains why you can’t always trust the media about that new exciting medical study. Plus, he will share a trick he uses to beat your unhealthy eating habits. Listen now!

259: Facts and Myths You Should Know About Hormones, Fat Loss and Your Health with Dr. Karl Nadolsky

Many fitness gurus talk about how hormones are the key to fat loss and also that calories don’t matter. In this episode, we have endocrinologist and obesity doctor Dr. Karl Nadolsky, talking about all the weight loss and hormone myths and misconceptions that are holding you back. Also, he shares how to create a healthy lifestyle to get off meds and get you back on track. Listen now!

258: The Price Of Getting Lean

Leaner, bigger, stronger, sexier. That’s what Hollywood celebrities, fitness magazines, and late night infomercials are selling to you. But are you willing to pay the price to achieve that lean, athletic body you’ve always dreamed of? What type of exercises do you have to do? What type of foods you have to kiss goodbye? Listen to this episode to find out what you need to do to finally get that body you’ve always wanted.

256: 7 Fat Loss Lies You Need To Stop Believing

There’s a lot of nutrition nonsense out there. The problem? With all these lies and bad ideas floating around, too many people are getting duped into ridiculous diets, absurd nutrition rules, and insane workouts that will ultimately leave them tired, frustrated, and hungry—but no leaner. Here are the biggest 7 fat loss lies and the nutritional realities behind them. Listen Now!