Essential SSL

351: Blaming Your Slow Metabolism for Weight Gain? Here’s the Real Reason You Can’t Lose Fat with Ted Ryce

Detoxes, intermittent fasting, keto diets, and other quick fixes come and go, but blaming "aging" or a "slow metabolism" for weight gain has been around for years. What if the real reason you can’t shake the weight is actually something you can fix — and not determined by your age or genetics? In this episode, you'll find out how metabolism affects weight loss, the true connection between your metabolism and being overweight, out of shape and stressed. Listen Now!

350: How To Take The Leap Of Your Life: How To Redefine Risk, Quit Waiting For ‘Someday’ And Live Boldly With Tommy Baker

There’s a bold decision in your life you’ve been waiting to make, and every day passing by is a reminder of what hasn’t happened. In this episode, author and high-performance coach Tommy Baker will help you identify your opportunities, step into courage and create a life you can’t wait to wake up for.  Listen now!

349: Sleep Masterclass Part 2: How Sleep Is Affecting Your Weight Loss, Productivity, Performance At Work & Relationships

Maybe getting plenty of sleep each night has never been high on your priority list of healthy living strategies in your 20s. But when you're over 40 or even on your late 30s, you start to notice the negative effects of sleep deprivation. The bad news is that being short on sleep can really affect your weight loss, productivity, performance at work, and relationships. So, if you want to understand the science of sleep and reap the performance and health benefits that come with getting the right quantity and quality of sleep, listen to the second part of this masterclass where I teach you proven strategies to hack your deep sleep and REM sleep that you can start implementing tonight.

348: Sleep Masterclass Part 1: How Sleep Is Affecting Your Weight Loss, Productivity, Performance At Work & Relationships

Maybe getting plenty of sleep each night has never been high on your priority list of healthy living strategies in your 20s. But when you're over 40 or even on your late 30s, you start to notice the negative effects of sleep deprivation.The bad news is that being short on sleep can really affect your weight loss, productivity, performance at work, and relationships. So, if you want to understand the science of sleep and reap the performance and health benefits that come with getting the right quantity and quality of sleep, listen to this special Sleep Masterclass now.