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372: Inflammation 101: The Invisible Health Condition Behind Everything From Heart Disease To Erectile Dysfunction

Inflammation is the latest health buzzword that everyone is talking about, and it’s being investigated for its role in a range of age-related conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, heart disease and even erectile dysfunction. So, what can we do to limit it and make sure we prevent disease and age well? Listen to this episode to learn what you need to know.

SUPPLEMENT GUIDE SERIES || The Ultimate Supplement Guide For Sleep

Getting a good amount of sleep is incredibly important for your health. You will NEVER look, feel, or perform your best unless you get the proper quantity or quality of sleep. And the harder you push yourself, the more sleep you’ll need to avoid overtraining or burnout. In this episode, leading fitness trainer and health coach Ted explains why you should not trust the supplement industry, the 8 sleep supplements that actually work and the 3 that are a complete waste of your money. Listen Now!

Mother Of Three Who Desperately Wanted To Look Young & Fit Back Into Her Old Jeans

SUPPLEMENT GUIDE SERIES || The Ultimate Supplement Guide For Fat Loss

When you want to drop some weight, it's tempting to look for help anywhere you can. If your thoughts turn to supplements then this episode is for you. In this episode, leading fitness trainer and health coach Ted explains why you should not trust the supplement industry, the 7 fat loss supplements that actually work and the 5 that are a complete waste of your money. Listen Now!