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423: The Secrets and Science of Rapid Body Transformation with Dan Go

If you're a high performer, you are either too tired, stressed, or busy to go to the gym and eat healthily. But, just because you're a super achiever, it doesn't mean your health and body will have to take a sabbatical. In this episode, Body Transformation Coach Dan Go reveals how he helps his busy clients improve their lifestyle and transform their bodies even during stressful times. Listen Now!forming both the body and mindset of them to become more active, productive, and energized. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 54: Forget Positive Thinking: This Is How To Actually Change Your Situation

If you're struggling in a certain area of your life (ex: finances, health, love life), how do you actually change your situation? In this Ted Talk episode, Ted explains how his non-conventional approaches to personal growth helped him change his perspective and focus on what matters in life. Listen now!

422: Become Stronger To Live Longer: The Importance Of Muscle Strength For Healthy Aging with Dr. Stuart Phillips

While it's clear that diet can affect longevity, there's great uncertainty about which combinations of foods are best for attaining a long and healthy life. In this episode, our special guest Dr. Stuart Phillips reveals the latest research on protein as a key nutrient for muscle health and longevity. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 53: From Bored & Stressed To Into The Zone And Feeling Alive Again

Are you feeling bored or stressed out for the past few months? It seems that the Coronavirus pandemic helped us feel more disconnected and overwhelmed than ever. In this episode, Ted shares his journey from unhappy and stuck to getting into the zone, skyrocketing his productivity and feeling alive and happy again. Listen Now!