Essential SSL

131: Ryan Michler: Masculinity, Money & War

In this episode, you'll learn: Leadership lessons from war, 4 Differences between boys and real men, 3 Ways to put money to work for you and MUCH more. Listen Now!

130: Matt Gallant: Waking Up Your Warrior Spirit

In this episode, you'll learn: How our past experiences shape our behavior and personality, How martial arts can wake up your warrior spirit, 3 Ways to get over fear and create the life you want and MUCH more. Listen Now!

129: Mike Cernovich: How to Control Your Thoughts and Emotions to Live Life on Your Terms

In this episode, you'll learn: What does it mean to be a man, The 3 keys to overcome negative thinking, Why it's never too late to change your life and MUCH more. Listen now.

100: Special Episode: How Making Decisions and Taking Action Can Change Your Life Forever

Wow we did it. This is our 100th episode podcast special. Today we tell how we did it and what's next. We learn what it means to be a podcaster. In this episode, you will also learn how taking action can dramatically change your life. Listen now.