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Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever Part 3: Can’t Lose Weight No Matter What (And What To Do To Finally Get The Body You Deserve)

In this new 5-part series called "Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever", Ted will address the biggest diet problems that stop you from losing weight, reclaiming your health, and creating the body you deserve in 2023. In part 3, Ted talks about why most people quit, and what they need to do to stay on track and achieve consistent results throughout the year. This series is based on 22 years of experience, including real-life strategies developed, tested, and refined while working with hundreds of high achievers who want to lose fat and transform their bodies while growing their businesses or careers. Tune in so you can make 2023 your best year ever.

Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever: Part 2: Why We Eat Too Much (& How To Control It)

In this new 5-part series called "Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever", Ted will address the biggest diet problems that stop you from losing weight, reclaiming your health, and creating the body you deserve in 2023. In part 2, Ted talks about the underlying reasons why we overeat (and what to do about it). This series is based on 22 years of experience, including real-life strategies developed, tested, and refined while working with hundreds of high achievers who want to lose fat and transform their bodies while growing their businesses or careers. Tune in so you can make 2023 your best year ever.

Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever: Part 1: Feeling Like A Failure

In this new 5-part series called "Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever", Ted will address the biggest diet problems that stop you from losing weight, reclaiming your health, and creating the body you deserve in 2023. In part 1, Ted explains why after years of trying and failing, most people believe it is not possible to get in shape or that they are too old (and what to do instead). This series is based on 22 years of experience, including real-life strategies developed, tested, and refined while working with hundreds of high achievers who want to lose fat and transform their bodies while growing their businesses or careers. Tune in so you can make 2023 your best year ever.

Ted Talk 160: The #1 Key To Weight Loss Success (Hint: It’s Not Exercise Or Nutrition)

The #1 key to weight loss isn't just exercising, tracking your macros, or managing your food cravings. It's about your mindset. In this episode, Ted shares the number one key to achieving long-lasting weight loss success without following restrictive diets, time-consuming workouts, or any "quick fixes " that do not work long-term. Listen now!