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Ted Talk 42: If I Know What I Need to Do, Why Can’t I Just Do It …

Deep down, we all know what it is that we need to do. We know what will make us happier, what will make us healthier, what will help us grow. So, why don't we do it? In this Ted Talk episode, Ted reveals how you can figure out which strategy to use depending on why you are procrastinating in the first place. Listen now!

Ted Talk 35: This is Why Changing Your Mindset Will Change the Way You Experience Life

On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your life? Are you a 10? So happy that you honestly couldn't see how life could get any better? Or maybe you're closer to a 6 or 7, where you're pretty satisfied with life most of the time, but sometimes you wish for something more. Do you understand that you can change your life by changing your mind? In this Ted Talk episode Ted Ryce reveals how you can change your mindset to create a better life and finally live life on your own terms. Listen Now!

402: The Secret To A Happy Life with Ed Latimore

Are you truly happy? Tons of articles, videos (and books) have been written about how to be happy. But it seems our brains are focused on survival. Our guest today, Ed Latimore, a heavyweight boxer, author, and physics major who transformed himself from someone battling with a heavy alcohol addiction into an inspiring, passionate, and knowledgeable human being. Listen to this episode to learn how to cultivate ongoing happiness.

399: Navigating Uncertainty: High-Performance Strategies That Can Help You In Times of Crisis with Sterling Hawkins

Even in the best of times, the challenge to become a high-performer can be daunting, but managing in a crisis can make us feel like the ground is shifting beneath us. This episode with thought leader and influencer on innovation Sterling Hawkins will provide practical ways to help you adapt to change, bring your balance back, and turn this crisis into an opportunity to grow. Listen Now!