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My Favorite Supplements For Building Muscle, Better Sleep, Stress Reduction, And Optimal Health In 2018

Overwhelmed by the vitamin aisle? Are you confused about which supplements are worth your money and which ones are not? Here's what your body needs—and can really help you upgrade your health, lose weight, build muscle, and improve your life in 2018. Read now!

FREE Training: Part 1: The 4 Biggest Diet & Exercise Myths Stopping You From Reclaiming Your Health And Creating A Lean Body

You diet. You exercise. So why do you still have to choose clothes to hide your belly fat? Because of the common pitfalls that I explain today. Listen to this episode and learn how to put an end to these bad habits so you can finally watch the pounds drop off.

284: DNA Testing For Fitness And Nutrition: A Fad Or The Future With John Berardi, PhD

Have you wondered what genetic testing can really tell you about your medical future? If you’re a curious person like me who is always checking the trends of health and fitness, you’ve probably seen those home DNA testing kits that promise to tell you exactly how to exercise and eat based on your genes. In this interview, Dr. John Berardi explains what you need to know about genetic testing and if it’s a fad or the future. Listen Now!

279: 5 Smart Ways To Survive The Holidays Without Gaining Weight (Plus, A Healthy Holiday Baking Guide)

It’s the season for revelry and cheer! But with beckoning desserts and snacks around every corner, it’s easy for healthy eating habits to get lost in the shuffle. However, it's possible to survive the holidays without weight gain. Read on to learn 5 strategies to enjoy the holidays without getting a santa-sized belly.