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Ted Talk 29: Help! How to Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy While at Home

The best health advice during this pandemic is to practice simple behaviors, like eating a balanced diet, exercising and getting good sleep. But how are you supposed to eat right when you’re living on non-perishables? How can you work out when you’re cooped up at home? How can you sleep when you’re anxious about, well, everything? In this Ted Talk episode, Ted explains how we can stay physically and mentally healthy during a crisis. Listen Now!

396: How To Reset Your Metabolism For Successful Fat Loss With Ted Ryce

Talk about dieting frustration! You think you’re doing everything right; big salads for lunch, skipping dessert, turning down that second glass of wine when you’re out with friends. But for some reason, the pounds refuse to budge. If you’ve ever wondered if your metabolism is simply broken, you’re not alone, you need to listen to this episode to understand how to reset your metabolism to become a fat burning machine.

391: 5 Common Food And Nutrition Myths Debunked with Nick Hiebert

Does salt cause high blood pressure? Are there good foods and bad foods? Food can be a topic of serious contention today, and everyone seems to have an opinion on what you should and should not eat. In this episode, our special guest Nick Hiebert, a nutrition researcher, set the record straight on some of the more common food myths. Listen Now!

390: Why Diet Mindset is a Bad Thing & How to Re-frame Your Thoughts For Maximum Fat Loss with Mario Tomic

How many times have you tried --and failed-- to lose weight? If you're like most people, you've tried over and over and over. In this special episode, our guest world-class coach Mario Tomic will reveal the new rules of dieting, why you should stop looking for instant gratification, and how you can finally become a fat burning machine in 2020. Listen Now!