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Ted Talk 91: I’m Doing Everything Right, But I’m Still Not Losing Weight. What’s Going On?

If you're following the perfect clean eating diet, working out several times per week, but the stubborn pounds just won't come off. Then know that you're not alone! In this Real Talk, Friday episode Ted will share his personal struggle with clean eating. Also, he will reveal the most common reasons why you're not losing weight. Plus, actionable tips on how to break through the plateau and get things moving again. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 89: How Do I Make Sense Of All The Conflicting Information About Nutrition? How much Protein Should You Eat For Longevity? & More – Ask Ted

Do you ever feel like there is too much conflicting information out there when it comes to nutrition? How do you figure out who to listen to? This is one of the questions that Ted Ryce received from one of the listeners. In this Ted Talk episode, Ted will shine scientific light on today's critical nutrition conversations and help you clear up the confusion, so you can harness the power of food to promote health, prevent disease, and get in great shape. Listen now!

459: Busted: Popular Nutrition Myths That Are Keeping You Overweight with Jason Helmes

When it comes to nutrition, there's a never-ending flow of information — most of which is incorrect. And everyone is highly opinionated. In this episode, Ted Ryce and renowned fitness and nutrition coach Jason Helmes. will debunk nutrition myths and explain why these antiquated beliefs need to be put to rest. Tune in to clear up the confusion and finally achieve your dream body in record time.

455: How Your Brain Is Making You Fat (And What To Do About It) with Stephan Guyenet

Ever plowed through a pint of ice cream? Gone back for seconds (or thirds) at a buffet? Then you know how difficult it can be to put the skids on eating. You might curse your lack of willpower, but in this special episode, Ted discusses the brain’s influence on weight loss with neuroscientist Dr. Stephan Guyenet. Also, he reveals who to trust when it comes to health and nutrition information, and proven ways on how to regain control of emotional eating. Listen now!