144: Brad Thorpe: Reduce Blood Pressure, Boost Strength And Prevent Injuries With Isometric Exercise
by Ted Ryceby Ted Ryce
144: Brad Thorpe: Reduce Blood Pressure, Boost Strength And Prevent Injuries With Isometric Exercise144: Brad Thorpe: Reduce Blood Pressure, Boost Strength And Prevent Injuries With Isometric Exercise
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In this episode, you'll learn: How isometric exercise affects blood pressure, Why Isometrics may be "the fountain of youth", Practical examples of how to use isometrics in your workout and MUCH More. Listen Now!
Mini-Course: 5 Principles of Exercise To Get You Better Results
by Ted Ryceby Ted Ryce
Mini-Course: 5 Principles of Exercise To Get You Better ResultsMini-Course: 5 Principles of Exercise To Get You Better Results
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For most people the hardest part of exercising is just getting started. We understand why some feel overwhelmed about beginning a new fitness routine. A better way to get started is utilizing these 5 exercise principles that I'll teach in this episode. Listen Now!
In this episode, you'll learn: Why waking up early can change your life, The key to productivity, The fascinating power of "anchor habits" and MUCH more. Listen Now!
Listen to this episode to learn how to make exercise a habit. These 3 simple strategies will help you build a fitness routine that sticks for good. Listen Now!