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233: Dr. Bryan Walsh: The Hidden Causes Of Weight Gain And Poor Health

Should we all go gluten-free? Today's guest, Dr. Bryan Walsh, will talk about the facts and myths behind the food fad. Also, if the scale is not budging, you'll love this episode as he explains why your weight loss has stalled. Plus, we’ll dive into new and fascinating information about how hormones, gut bacteria, and toxins are ruining your health and you didn't know. Get ready to have some health myths busted by Dr. Walsh. Listen now!

232: Why You Need Unwavering Commitment To Achieve Your Goals

There's an old saying that goes "some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it." The commitment to work is often what separates successful people from the dreamers, the people who make the same resolutions every year but never follow through. In this episode, I will discuss why so many people find it hard to commit and teach you easy solutions that you can incorporate into your busy routine right away. Also, if you’re ready to commit to the work and finally achieve your goals this year, get my free video training now and make 2017 your best year ever.

230: How To Take Control Of Your Health & Fitness In 2017

As we approach the second week of 2017, most people have already gotten over the novelty of the New Year and have started to slip back into old habits they vowed to leave behind in 2016. That’s why I want you to skip having a New Year’s resolution and focus on achieving more in 2017. If you are ready to finally take control of your health and fitness in 2017, you should listen to this episode now and get access to my free video training!

228: 5 Biggest Mistakes That Will Stop You From Reaching Your Health & Fitness Goals In 2017

Mistakes are inevitable. That’s a fact. But knowing possible pitfalls will significantly reduce the setbacks and increase the chance of succeeding. Here are the 5 biggest mistakes that may be stopping you from reaching your health and fitness goals. And more importantly, how to fix it if you find yourself making any of these mistakes. Listen Now!