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They Called Us Crazy (But We Did It Anyway)

Ever feel like you need to change your life? (✋yup) Do you worry that you'll never succeed because everyone else has better connections, better opportunities or more experience? If you’ve said yes to any of those questions, I want you to pay special attention to this episode. Plus, we have a HUGE announcement. Listen Now!

294: 7 Secrets For Better Results In The Gym (And What Mistakes To Avoid) with Borge Fagerli

You probably learned how to exercise by reading blog posts, magazines, and following online workouts. Some of them got it right. Most of them definitely got it wrong. In this episode, our special guest Borge Fagerli, reveals seven fitness and healthy lifestyle secrets that will help you get better results at the gym. Listen Now!

292: Intermittent Fasting 101: Everything You Need To Know

Intermittent fasting (IF) is currently one of the world's most popular health and fitness trends. People are using it to lose weight, improve their health and simplify their healthy lifestyle. In this in-depth article you’ll find out what IF is, whether you should do it, and if so — how. PLUS, their most common questions. Read Now!

290: The Science Of Food Cravings (And How To Beat Them For Once And All) Part 2

In“The Science Behind Food Cravings Part 1” I revealed what's really behind your all-consuming desire for a cupcake—and the science that puts you back in control. Here in Part 2, I share three of the six expert-and science-backed strategies to break your overeating habit for good. Read or listen now!