The decade of your 40s is the most crucial opportunity to reinvent yourself and make your body leaner, stronger, and fitter for life. On today’s episode, renowned strength coach, Charles Staley, will be discussing what it means to be fit after 40, good vs bad pain, why there are no hard or fast rules to getting in shape, and much more. Listen now!
461: Strength Training for Optimal Health and Longevity with Christian Thibaudeau
by Ted Ryceby Ted Ryce
461: Strength Training for Optimal Health and Longevity with Christian Thibaudeau461: Strength Training for Optimal Health and Longevity with Christian Thibaudeau
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It's pretty much a dead cert that when you're old and grey, your muscles, your strength, and even your energy and vitality will naturally begin to waste away. In today's episode, world-renowned strength coach Christian Thibaudeau will reveal the benefits of high-frequency strength training, how to stay lean for life, and the best anti-aging exercises that will keep you younger, stronger, and leaner. So, if you want to take your training and health to the next level, tune in for this special episode.
Ted Talk 89: Ask Ted: How Do I Make Sense Of All The Conflicting Information About Nutrition? How much Protein Should You Eat For Longevity? & More
by Ted Ryceby Ted Ryce
Ted Talk 89: Ask Ted: How Do I Make Sense Of All The Conflicting Information About Nutrition? How much Protein Should You Eat For Longevity? & MoreTed Talk 89: Ask Ted: How Do I Make Sense Of All The Conflicting Information About Nutrition? How much Protein Should You Eat For Longevity? & More
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Do you ever feel like there is too much conflicting information out there when it comes to nutrition? How do you figure out who to listen to? This is one of the questions that Ted Ryce received from one of the listeners. In this Ted Talk episode, Ted will shine scientific light on today's critical nutrition conversations and help you clear up the confusion, so you can harness the power of food to promote health, prevent disease, and get in great shape. Listen now!
458: Sleep Masterclass Part 2: How Sleep is Affecting Your Weight Loss, Productivity, Performance at Work & Relationships with Ted Ryce
by Ted Ryceby Ted Ryce
458: Sleep Masterclass Part 2: How Sleep is Affecting Your Weight Loss, Productivity, Performance at Work & Relationships with Ted Ryce458: Sleep Masterclass Part 2: How Sleep is Affecting Your Weight Loss, Productivity, Performance at Work & Relationships with Ted Ryce
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Being short on sleep can really affect your weight loss, productivity, performance at work, and relationships. If you want to understand the science of sleep and reap the performance and health benefits that come with getting the right quantity and quality of sleep, listen to the second part of this sleep masterclass! Listen now!