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389: Nutrition 101 Series: Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Nutrition With Ted Ryce – Part 4

One of the most exciting and revolutionary topics in health right now is also one of the least sexy: gut microbiome. So, in this final part of the Nutrition 101 series, we'll be talking about ways to improve gut health and reap the rewards of a flourishing microbiome without expensive supplements. Listen Now!

377: Why Everything You Think About Aging May Be Wrong with Dr. Charles Brenner

The second half of your life can bring some of your most rewarding decades. But when it comes to healthy aging and your diet, there are plenty of mixed up “facts” that need to be unraveled. In this episode, our special guest Dr. Charles Brenner separates nutrition fact from fiction and explain the science of aging better. Listen now!

376: Nutrition Myths That Can Cause Weight Gain & Affect Your Health with Kevin Bass

Are carbs evil? Is the Keto diet the best diet in the market? Is intermittent fasting good for your health? Ditch your old-school thinking and get savvy to the latest nutrition information backed by science with nutrition expert Kevin Bass. Listen now and discover how to really get a leaner, stronger, and healthier body at any age.

375: Longevity 101: How To Live Longer, Stronger & Healthier with Keith Baar

In this episode, we asked longevity expert Keith Baar what are the most impactful things you can do right now to live longer—and stay healthy and strong enough to really enjoy your golden years. The sooner you start applying these tips, the sooner you can start planning what you'll be doing 30 years from now. So, what are you waiting for?