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527: Optimal Performance: How To Take Your Mental And Physical Performance To The Next Level with Sean McCormick

Are your family life and health at the same level as your finances and career progression? In today's episode, Performance Optimization expert Sean McCormick reveals how high performers can match their lifestyle and personal achievements with their business success. Listen now!

521: Do Hard Things: Debunking Myths and Misconceptions about Resilience and Real Toughness with Steve Magness

Do you believe being resilient and tough has anything to do with submitting yourself to crazy and excruciating workouts and diets? If so, that might be why you struggle to see results in your fat loss and fitness journey. In this episode, the world-renowned expert on performance, author, and executive and performance coach, Steve Magness, reveals why most of us get resilience wrong and explains the science behind actual toughness. Listen Now!

516: How to Unlock Financial Freedom & Live Your Dream Lifestyle Today, with Justin Donald, The Lifestyle Investor

If you are doing great with your business, and despite making tons of money out of it, the wealthy lifestyle you desire never gets any closer, you can't miss today's episode. Ted interviews the WSJ #1 bestseller and successful investor Justin Donald to break down the secrets of financial freedom. Listen Now!

512: Beating Burnout: The Secret To Solving The Stress Cycle & Achieving More In Business & Life with Dr. Chris Friesen, Ph.D.

Thriving in business or in your career means always keeping the fire going. But it also means burnout could be just around the corner. In this episode, the renowned elite athletes and high performers' neuropsychologist, Dr. Chris Friesen, Ph.D is back and he explains how to manage your negative emotions, anxiety and finally solve the stress cycle and achieve more in business and life. Listen now!