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336: Reengineering Your Morning Ritual For Optimal Health & Productivity In 2019 with Ted Ryce

Is your morning ritual setting you up for success? Find out how my celebrity and CEO clients structure their mornings to get the best possible start to the day. Also, I'll share my personal morning routine that helped me improve my productivity and skyrocket my energy levels. Listen to this episode to create your own morning routine and make 2019 your best year ever.

332: The Power Of Resilience with Tom Heffner

Are you a person who is easily triggered and off-balanced by unexpected circumstances? Do you often suffer from road rage and stress? These days, we are frequently bombarded by situations that are often frustrating and out of our control. In this episode, our special guest Tom Heffner reveals a number of useful strategies you can apply to your life today. So, no matter what life throws at you, you’ll be able to feel less stressed, pursue opportunities with confidence, and stay calm and centered in the face of adversity.

322: How To Get Back In Shape After An Injury

You’ve probably been there before: an awkward move, an audible crack!, a sharp pain—and you just know you’re injured. Getting hurt sucks, especially because an injury can throw off your entire workout routine. In this episode, I'm going to reveal my top strategies to return to get back into your workouts in record time. Listen now!

320: The Power Of Strategic Quitting with Ted Ryce

We’ve all heard the saying: “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” But what if we’ve been looking at quitting all wrong? What if, rather than a step backward, quitting with intention can be a way to leap toward your goals? In this episode, you'll learn when quitting is a good idea. Listen Now!