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151: Chris Dancy: How Technology Impacts Physical And Emotional Health

In this episode, you'll learn: How wearable devices can help you break bad habits, How tracking software helped Chris lose over 100lbs, How does technology affect our brains and MUCH more. Listen Now!

137: Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson: The Science Of Breaking Bad Eating Habits

In this episode, you'll learn: What is Bright Line Eating, Is overeating an addiction, How to break bad eating habits and MUCH more. Listen Now!

136: Productivity Hacks To Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast With Jeff Sanders

In this episode, you'll learn: Why waking up early can change your life, The key to productivity, The fascinating power of "anchor habits" and MUCH more. Listen Now!

Ask Ted 78: 3 Effective Ways To Make Exercise Into A Habit

Listen to this episode to learn how to make exercise a habit. These 3 simple strategies will help you build a fitness routine that sticks for good. Listen Now!