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201: 5 Secrets Of High-Performance People

The next time that you hit the snooze button three times and rush to the next Starbucks for a muffin and coffee only to get to work and find out that you can't get anything done or focus. You have no energy. I want you to ask yourself why highly successful people wake up motivated and energized every day. In this life-changing episode, you'll learn five secrets of high-performance people. Listen Now!

Bonus Episode: 7 Ways To Escape Overwhelm (And Reclaim Your Life)

We all get overcommitted from time to time. It happens. Whether you find yourself in that place today or not, we have 7 ways to help you escape from overwhelm and reclaim your life when things get crazy. Listen to this episode to avoid burnout and balance your life.

197: Why You Should Take Our 30-Day Fitness Challenge?

I have a question for you: Are you ready to make some big changes in your life? I hope the answer is "Yes, of course!". Good news because that’s what we’re all about at the Legendary Life. I’m excited to announce the launch of my 30-Day Fitness Challenge…Listen to this episode and find out how my (free) 30-Day Challenge will help you change your transform your Health, Body, and Life. Listen Now!

186: 7 Ways To Fit Health & Fitness Into Your Routine—No Matter How Busy You Are

We all know by now that maintaining an active lifestyle should be one of our top priorities in life. Only by taking care of ourselves do we stand a chance of being the kind of person we strive to be on the job, at home with our loved ones, and in our communities. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. "I don't have enough time." is the #1 excuse that people give as a reason they don't workout. In this episode of Legendary Life, you’ll learn my 7 top strategies to get fit in 30 minutes a day (or less) even if you’re super busy. And you'll even get a few sample workouts so you can try them out. Listen Now!