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376: Nutrition Myths That Can Cause Weight Gain & Affect Your Health with Kevin Bass

Are carbs evil? Is the Keto diet the best diet in the market? Is intermittent fasting good for your health? Ditch your old-school thinking and get savvy to the latest nutrition information backed by science with nutrition expert Kevin Bass. Listen now and discover how to really get a leaner, stronger, and healthier body at any age.

372: Inflammation 101: The Invisible Health Condition Behind Everything From Heart Disease To Erectile Dysfunction

Inflammation is the latest health buzzword that everyone is talking about, and it’s being investigated for its role in a range of age-related conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, heart disease and even erectile dysfunction. So, what can we do to limit it and make sure we prevent disease and age well? Listen to this episode to learn what you need to know.

Super Greens: Are Greens Powders Healthy Or Just Hype?

If you take a look at the health food aisle of your supplement store, you'll see an array of green 'superfood' powders, from kale and barley grass to spirulina and chlorella. In this article, I'll reveal if green powders really stack up, or are they simply superfood hype. Read Now!

364: Why Blue Light Is Messing With Your Sleep & Health (And What To Do About It) with Michael Chapiro

You wake up. Check your phone. Head to work. Sit at your computer all day under fluorescent lights. Go home. Maybe watch TV. Or work some more. Go to bed. Check your phone one more time. What does all this blue light screen time mean for your health? In this episode, sleep expert Michael Shapiro explains how it's affecting your sleep and your health and more importantly how can you fix that. Listen now!