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Ted Talk 50: Why Do I Find It So Hard To Lose Weight? (And How To Fix It)

418: How to Prevent Back Pain While Working From Home with Ted Ryce

back pain
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought up everyday life as we know it, most of us working in daily jobs are now sitting at home slouching in front of our computers while being forced to do household chores as well. That puts a lot of pressure on our sore, stiff back. So, what can you do? In this episode, Ted will explain how to deal with back pain while working from home plus spine stabilization exercises, and much more.

415: How To Boost Brain Health & Fight Dementia with Ted Ryce

Can you help your brain stay healthy as you age by doing things that challenge your mind? Could that also help you avoid memory loss, or even prevent or delay dementia such as Alzheimer's? In this episode, host Ted Ryce explains the latest research on how exercise, nutrition, stress, and depression can affect brain function and how you can boost your brain health and fight dementia. Listen now!

414: Fix Your Nutrition: Understanding Biohacking, Keto Diet, Carnivore Diet, Fat Loss, Cholesterol & More (Through A Doctor’s Approach) with Dr. Spencer Nadolsky

There is so much nutrition information out there, but which diets work? Is biohacking a good thing? Which is good cholesterol? LDL or HDL? Is your fitness "Expert" an Expert or just full of sh*t? Listen to this episode with renowned Doctor Spencer Nadolsky and learn how to fix your nutrition, so you don't get confused by nutrition advice again.