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14: Michael Lipowski: Setting yourself up to win: How to build a powerful physique

5 Secrets for Bigger, Stronger Muscles Exercise and stress: The importance of recovery after exercise for better results Why you need to customize your workout? 5 Ways to burn fat and build muscle Why your mindset will determine your success or failure with exercise (and in life)

3 Simple Steps to Stay Lean for the Holidays

  I’s a universal truth that the holidays are a time for cheer, being grateful, spending time with family – and the dreaded holiday weight gain. […]

Top 5 Mistakes That Limit Your Results in the Gym

  I’m in different gyms all the time and over 90% of the workouts I see people doing are almost complete wastes of time. Of course, […]

Testosterone and Men: Are the Testosterone levels of American Men in Trouble?

Testosterone is the hormone that makes men, men. This all-important hormone is responsible for maintaining high levels of muscle and low levels of fat as well […]
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