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211: The 7 Most Common Fitness Mistakes You’re Making (And What To Do About It) with Christian Thibaudeau

In this enlightening episode, you'll learn from one of the best strength coaches in the world, Christian Thibaudeau. I have been learning from Christian for over a decade and today he’ll be sharing his knowledge and common mistakes you’re making that could be preventing your progress and causing you injury. Listen Now!

208: Scientific Principles Of Strength Training with Dr. Mike Israetel

In this interesting interview, Dr. Mike Israetel, a professor of Exercise Science at Temple University, coach, author, and the head consultant for Renaissance Periodization unlocks weightlifting myths, fitness fads and essential principles for better nutrition and health. If you are ready to take your strength training to next level, listen now!

205: How To Build Muscle And Mobility With Gymnastic Strength Training by Christopher Sommer

Today's guest is Coach Christopher Sommer, former US national team gymnastics coach and creator of Gymnastic Bodies. I've been testing out his training system for close to two years now and I credit it for helping me work around my neck injury in October 2014. I've been in the fitness industry for over 17 years and there are very few people that I've learned from that I can say revolutionized the way I approach working out. Coach Christopher Sommer and his Gymnastic Bodies system is one of them. Listen to Coach Sommer talk about how to structure your workouts to increase your strength, mobility and longevity with the secrets of gymnastic strength training.

The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Equipment List

Bodyweight Workouts are an incredible way to build strength and muscle with minimal equipment. However, to get the best results from your bodyweight workout program, you need to invest in getting a minimal amount of equipment. In this article, I’m going to give you a list of my favorite bodyweight workout equipments to help you create your own home gym with a small budget. Read Now!