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Ted Talk 29: Help! How to Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy While at Home

The best health advice during this pandemic is to practice simple behaviors, like eating a balanced diet, exercising and getting good sleep. But how are you supposed to eat right when you’re living on non-perishables? How can you work out when you’re cooped up at home? How can you sleep when you’re anxious about, well, everything? In this Ted Talk episode, Ted explains how we can stay physically and mentally healthy during a crisis. Listen Now!

The Body Transformation Blueprint : How To Reclaim Your Health & Build Your Best Body Ever in 2020 – Part 3

In this special 3-episode series, Ted reveals how to "unlock” the 4 hidden keys necessary to transform your body in record time even if you're in your 40s, 50s or even 60s! Plus: The 4 biggest diet & exercise myths stopping you from reclaiming your young, attractive, healthy, and energetic body... Once and for all!

The Body Transformation Blueprint : How To Reclaim Your Health & Build Your Best Body Ever in 2020 – Part 2

In this special 3-episode series, Ted reveals how to "unlock” the 4 hidden keys necessary to transform your body in record time even if you're in your 40s, 50s or even 60s! Plus: The 4 biggest diet & exercise myths stopping you from reclaiming your young, attractive, healthy, and energetic body... Once and for all!

The Body Transformation Blueprint : How To Reclaim Your Health & Build Your Best Body Ever in 2020 – Part 1

In this special 3-episode series, Ted reveals how to "unlock” the 4 hidden keys necessary to transform your body in record time even if you're in your 40s, 50s or even 60s! Plus: The 4 biggest diet & exercise myths stopping you from reclaiming your young, attractive, healthy, and energetic body... Once and for all!