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411: Weight Loss, Mindset & The Power Of Coaching with Nich Meacher

Chances are if you are a podcast listener, you have been on a diet before. And it’s failed- miserably. Either you lost weight, only to put it back on, or perhaps the diet and exercise program was just too time-consuming, and you couldn’t fit it into your busy life and career. In this episode, high-performance Nick Meacher talks about his experience of working with Ted and his breakthroughs through the coaching process. Listen in as we talk about improving your mindset, combating negativity, and the mentality we all have to achieve before we can lose weight and live a healthy and balanced life.

408: Weight Loss & Metabolic Slowdown: What’s Going On? with Ted Ryce

Your body's metabolism is often touted as the hidden secret of weight-loss success—a fast one helps you lose weight, and a slower one can work against you. But can shedding pounds actually make your metabolism slow down and turn sluggish? In this episode, Ted will debunk myths about metabolism and also teach you how to boost your metabolism, burn fat, and increase energy. Listen now!

Ted Talk 33: Help, I’m Doing Everything Right And Can’t Lose Weight? Is Weight Loss Resistance A Myth Or Harsh Reality?

What happens when you're doing everything right, eating healthfully, and exercising regularly, and the number on the scale isn't going down? Almost everyone hits a roadblock at some point on their weight-loss journey, but eventually, they overcome that plateau and continue losing weight. But when you stay consistently on course and yet weeks — even months — go by without the scales budging, that’s a problem. In this Ted Talk Episode, Ted will explain the numerous variables that can affect fat loss and how to overcome them and finally get results. Listen now!

400: The Truth About Metabolism with Ted Ryce

Most men and women are quick to blame their metabolism when those extra pounds refuse to come off. The truth is that most of us misunderstand metabolism. In this episode, Ted Ryce dispels some common myths about metabolism and reveals what does and doesn't rev up your resting metabolic rate (RMR) to help you shed those extra pounds forever. Listen Now!