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Ted Talk 50: Why Do I Find It So Hard To Lose Weight? (And How To Fix It)

414: Fix Your Nutrition: Understanding Biohacking, Keto Diet, Carnivore Diet, Fat Loss, Cholesterol & More (Through A Doctor’s Approach) with Dr. Spencer Nadolsky

There is so much nutrition information out there, but which diets work? Is biohacking a good thing? Which is good cholesterol? LDL or HDL? Is your fitness "Expert" an Expert or just full of sh*t? Listen to this episode with renowned Doctor Spencer Nadolsky and learn how to fix your nutrition, so you don't get confused by nutrition advice again.

413: Obesity: Is It A Disease Or A Choice? with Ted Ryce

In 2019, around 40% of adults in the United States were estimated to be obese. Many people blame obesity on poor dietary choices and inactivity, but it's not always that simple. In this episode, fat loss and health expert Ted reveals other factors that can have powerful effects on body weight and obesity and compelling reasons to help you understand if obesity is a choice or a disease. Listen Now!

412: Ditch the Unrealistic Health and Fitness Approach & Start Getting Sustainable Results with Lee Boyce

The illusion is sold to us everywhere we look. The media tell us that by doing just one or two things better we can go from out of shape to a fitness model in a short amount of time. In this episode, renowned strength and conditioning coach Lee Boyce, explains how to stop believing in this media nonsense and set expectations that work for you. Listen now!