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Ted Talk 103: When I lose weight, I’ll be happier. When I lose weight, I’ll be confident. When I lose weight, I’ll… start living… Here’s What To Do Instead…

"ll be happy when I fit into my old jeans." Most of us have beliefs that we will be happy only when we reach a certain weight, body fat percentage, or athletic achievement. In this Ted Talk episode, Ted will explain why reaching a goal won't always make you happy. Plus, a 3-step exercise to bring awareness to your beliefs and behaviors stopping you from living your best life. Listen to this episode to learn how to stop sabotaging your fat loss goals and finally achieve the body you deserve.

473: What Is The Best Way To Break A Weight Loss Plateau? Troubleshooting & Plateaus with Ted Ryce Part 2

Fat loss plateaus happen all the time. And while it is normal to feel frustration, you should never give up. In this episode, Ted explains each phase of the plateau. Plus, some effective strategies that you can apply today to break a weight loss plateau and begin to lose weight again. Listen now!

Ted Talk 102: How Do I Stop Sabotaging My Health And Fitness Efforts On The Weekend? – Ask Ted

During working days, strict diets and long workouts may not be so hard to follow. Weekends have the ability to sabotage all the efforts that we make during the week. In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted Ryce will teach you how to stop sabotaging your health and fitness efforts on the weekend, plus five effective strategies to lose weight while enjoying your life! Listen now!

472: What Is The Best Way To Break A Weight Loss Plateau? Troubleshooting & Plateaus with Ted Ryce Part 1

Fat loss plateaus happen all the time. And while it is normal to feel frustration, you should never give up. In this episode, Ted will explain why and when weight loss plateaus happen, and what are the most important psychological, behavioral and biological reasons behind plateaus. Plus, some effective strategies to break a weight loss plateau and begin to lose weight again. Listen now!