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Ted Talk 110: Why We Get Fat (And What To Do About It)

Today's "obesogenic" environment encourages us to eat more and exercise less. But the first step to long-term fat loss results is understanding that being fat is not your fault. In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted Ryce explains why your environment is making you fat. Also, he will reveal the mindset shift you need to make to transform your body. Listen now!

478: Food Tracking Made Easy: How to Track Your Food Without Becoming Totally Obsessive with Ted Ryce (Part 2)

In the first part of this series, we discussed food tracking, and Ted explained why it is the key to successful weight loss. In this second part, Ted reveals his five-step system to simplify food tracking, even if you're super busy. Tune in to take control of your nutrition and benefit from this weight loss secret weapon.

477: Food Tracking Made Easy: How to Track Your Food Without Becoming Totally Obsessive with Ted Ryce (Part 1)

In the days leading up to the holidays, the internet is brimming with advice on how to not overeat. But let's be realistic here; we know these are just quick trick that does not work long-term. In this episode, Ted Ryce will reveal the what, why, and how to lose weight by tracking your food. Tune in to listen to this first part, and in the following Monday, we will release part 2, where Ted shares his five-step system to simplify food tracking.

476: How To Lose Fat While Traveling with Ted Ryce

When you stay at home, it's easier to maintain a routine, to stick to a diet and an exercise plan. For most frequent business travelers, it's a never-ending battle to keep the pounds off. Listen to this new episode to find out how you can lose fat and stay in shape while traveling, even if you're dining out and going to network meetings.