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517: Unstoppable Fit: The Brain-Body Blueprint for Traveling Executives, Entrepreneurs & High Performers with Angela Shurina

Are you a high achiever who travels a lot and feel your fitness and health progress vanishing every time you hit the airport? Do you struggle with fitting your workout and diet habits into your insanely busy routine? In this episode, the renowned brain performance and productivity coach Angela Shurina breaks down the secrets of staying fit and focused in chaotic and changing environments. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 146: 14 Weight Loss Lessons I Learned in 23+ Years of Coaching

Losing weight is one thing, keeping it off is another. In fact, research suggests that 80% of people who lose at least 10% of their body weight regain everything they lost, if not more. In this Ted Talk, Ted shares the 14 sustainable weight loss lessons he learned in 23+ years of coaching thousands of people.

Ted Talk 145: How Stress Sabotages Your Fat Loss Results (And How To Beat It)

From all the moving parts required to succeed in the fat loss journey, there is only one that, if not dealt with properly, will either make you fail or get stuck: stress excess. In this episode, Ted reveals how stress secretly sabotages your fat loss. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 143: Your Best Body Ever: Understanding How To Control Hunger, Manage Stress & Improve Your Sleep with Ted Ryce

Do you think your age, workout program, or hormones have anything to do with why you are losing the fat loss fight? Well, they don't. In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted reveals how to get your best body ever by understanding your hunger and food cravings, managing your stress, and improving your sleep. Listen Now!